The 5 Pillars of Islam

  1. The Shahaadah (Declaration of faith) - Trusting and understanding the words of the Shahaadah. "There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is his prophet."
  2. Prayer (Salah) - Praying five times a day prostrated toward Mecca. There are specific ritualistic movements and prayers that are said.
  3. Charity or almsgiving (Zakat) - Each year a Muslim should give money to charity (Usually 2.5% of their wages). If a person does not have much money, they can do other things instead.
  4. Fasting during the month of Ramadan (Sawm)
  5. pilgrimage to Mecca (Hajj) - Muslims should go to Mecca on a pilgrimage. They should do this at least once in their lives. A person does not have to make this pilgrimage if they cannot afford to, or they are physically unable to (Though they can get someone else to go on their behalf).